No, really, rien... Well, almost... I'm really starting to like having the time to futz around and get "stuff" done. Started the day by waking up The Princess (aka DD) at 7:30AM... OK,
trying to wake her up... Finally accomplished that at 8:00AM-ish. DD, TB (The Boyfriend) and I then went and got her car towed to the local Saab dealership. (Her 1996 Saab lost its serpentine belt just as she hit Cupertino, on her drive down from Eugene.) Good news/bad news... Too bad it happened, but thank goodness it happened when she was so close to home. We had time to munch on goodies from S*bucks and sip our coffee, while cooling our heels waiting for the tow truck. Beautiful morning, ahhh... Slight breeze, blue skies, birds darting about, beautiful plantings in the shopping center parking lot where her car came to rest...
Got car checked in at dealership (where they have the Dreaded Pink Box of Death -- i.e., donuts -- in the waiting area), then back home. Still going through the detritus of my work, sorting, ditching, reading... Argued a bit with DS (aka Lurch), who slept at our house last night. Fully clothed, of course (including shoes), curled up on the sofa in the family room, under one thin blanket. He awoke with a backache, headache, and complaints of why I hadn't yet cooked breakfast. (Insert laugh track here...)
More futzing around, then lady came to scope out the kitchen. After whining about it for 18 years or so, we are going to bite the bullet and get the kitchen gussied up. One of my pals from work spoke highly of this lady, so I thought I'd give her a try. We'll see what she comes up with. I'm game for darn near anything at this point. The kitchen is done in 1970s best -- blecch. The layout of the work areas isn't optimal, the lighting is dismal, and the storage is inadequate. Other than that, it's fine. :-)
And, the repair man came to fix our clothes dryer. I had no idea how attached I am to the suburban creature comforts... It's absolutely depressing... But, about $200 later, the dryer works again. Jeez. Then, drove DS to the train station; he was on his way to San Francisco to meet up with some friends, hit the thrift stores, and other than that, I didn't ask...
Back home, to get dinner ready. I cooked a fairly spectacular pasta dish -- penne, with a great sauce I picked up from "Lidia's Italian Cooking" (thank you, Lidia!) with some tweaks. Coarsely chop one onion, smash a bunch of garlic cloves (or mince, if that's what appeals to you), throw both in some olive oil in a skillet, cook until you are happy with the texture and aroma; add a can of diced tomatoes, a small can of tomato sauce, pepper (freshly ground), about 2 teaspoons of Grey Poupon mustard, and wine (if you have it). Stir, bring to a brisk bubble, let it cook a bit, then turn off the heat and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes. Toss with your pasta, slap that puppy on the table with some garlic bread, a salad, and yet more wine, and presto! A really good dinner. (Well, IMHO anyway.) The thing about cooking like that is, the dish comes out a tad different each time. Tonight's was really good. (Some nights, not so much... that's when everyone whines...)
We're now at the local indie coffeehouse, again, as the Internet is still dead at our house. We all came -- spouse, daughter, The Boyfriend and me. The place is packed! It's a great community gathering place -- very diverse bunch. Cupertino is about 60% Asian at this point, I believe, but there are all kinds of folks here tonight. It's really nice to see this. All ages, various ethnicities, students, non-students, lurkers, entrepreneurs, whatever... And no deafening music on the stereo tonight (relatively calm baristas on duty, thank goodness)... I'm sipping mint tea (too late for caffeine), and contemplating as I type this post.
I've been getting emails from various folks who still work at The Company, and they all ask -- how's retirement? How the heck should I know -- it's only been five business days! But, at this point, I think I can say that I really miss the companionship of my buddies, but I do not miss the stress and the politics and the general BS. I did feel, at one point today, that a 50-pound weight has been lifted off my chest. Do I feel a momentary pang of guilt admitting that? Yep, but I'll get over it. It's now incumbent on me to keep the relationships that matter to me, and let go of the rest. I do think, however, that I'll be looking for another position in a couple of months, simply to keep my edge. And, DH is thinking that, due to the slowdown in the chip industry, he might be (once again) a candidate for a layoff at his place. Well, that would be a pain, since it's his benefits that are currently covering us, but we'd manage, I suppose. I do really believe that it all works out the way it's supposed to, in the long run.
On that note, I'll sign off. I need to cruise the Web, check in on the various sewing blogs that I love, and see what gossip is out there... Really, I am just not into much more than that tonight.
More tomorrow... Cheers!