Yeah, I know, people posting photos of their pets can get annoying. Humor me on this, though. I've posted so many entries about all my misery and sadness, and bad moods, and all that, so now I have these two new kittens and they make me laugh. Like human babies, and babies of other species, these kittens are just THERE... they're either going at a million miles an hour, or sound asleep, out cold. If they're mad, they hiss; if they are happy (or what we believe is happy for a kitten), they purr; when they're hungry, they meow (really loudly, given their size). How cool is that? No prevarication here... I'm not wild about the scratches I have all over me, as they try to climb up my body, but what the heck. And they've knocked over everything that can be knocked over, but nothing has broken... yet...
Yesterday, Boston (the black one) discovered the broom, as I was sweeping the floor. She apparently thinks it's just a huge new toy, meant to amuse her and present her with "prey" (huge dust bunnies). She's the more aggressive one of the two -- chases Philly (aka Fearless aka Philadelphia) (I hate that name) -- and the more curious of the two. I have a feeling, however, that the other one isn't far behind. I think there's probably a couple/few weeks age difference between them, and at this age, that has a huge impact.
As I mentioned on my Facebook post earlier today, we don't have (human) grandchildren (yet) (please god), so we're doting on the kittens. How predictable is that! I don't want to turn into one of those weird old women who think their cats (or dogs) are their children, so please don't expect constant posts on the furry ones.
But, today, I just couldn't help myself. I blame the headache (now in its second consecutive day)...
Have a great day!
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