So, as you all know, we adopted Boston (the all-black kitten) a couple of weeks ago. Our older cat is still in a huff, but the level of hissing and general crankiness has diminished a bit. However, Boston seems lonely. Well, not really, but we thought she might like some same-age companionship. (And, frankly, our older cat is getting odder by the day, so she may yet segue into being an outdoor cat if she doesn't stop peeing and puking all over our house...) (Love her dearly, but...)
Anyway, we made another trip to the Humane Society today, and found Philly... or Feli... or whatever her name is going to be... Her adoption papers called her "Fearless" -- as in, that was the name that was given to her. She was the one kitten at the adoption center who didn't totally freak out when we held her. Unlike Boston, who immediately cuddled and purred and did everything in her power to entice us to take her home, "Fearless" just gave us The Look... She didn't struggle to escape our arms, but she wasn't too keen on us, either. Well, anyway, she's home with us now! She's spent most of the day hiding out, but we've retrieved her from under the sofa a couple of times.
As I'm typing this, there's a bit of hissing going on between the two little ones. Boston came up to whats-her-name, nose to nose, investigating the cute little number who showed up today. However, Fearless did a very female thing and hissed. Great. Another princess...
She's a cutie, but truth be told, I still miss Baby Kitty #1 deeply. Sigh...
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