Sunday, January 18, 2009

Random Musings from Domestic Goddess Land

Well, I know it's been a while since I posted, but I must admit that I'm more than usually scattered these days... Contemplating the reality of divorcing my husband of 28+ years, particularly under these circumstances, is really mucking with my composure far more than I thought it would. Hmmm... Yes, I know everything works the way it should, in the long run, but in the short run it's a real pain in the butt. And, yes, I also know that I am blessed beyond all contemplation, and that I ought not be whining about this, given that so many people in this world have faced, are facing, and will face, challenges far more wrenching than what I'm going through. However, I'm me, and my reality and my life are really the only reality and life that I can truly identify with, so that's what I need to work with.

Actually, to be frank, things are getting better. I don't get hysterical any more, or slide into the trough of despair for days at a time. Now, when I cry, it's maybe -- maximum -- five minutes, and when I get terribly sad, it's for a relatively short period of time, and then my natural sunny disposition and optimism kick in. As I think I mentioned, I've been mourning this relationship for over a year already, as I fought to keep it intact. So, there's only so much grief one can go through on a subject like this before you start turning the corner (all things being equal)... That's my take on what's what right now.

Last night, I watched "The Notebook". Yeah, I know it's an old(er) movie, but that's what was in the Netflix queue. Wow! I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. I think the story really resonated with me, given my current situation. Not that I'm descending into senile dementia (as far as I know) (!), but the story of an enduring love, and the maturity of the two leads, really spoke to me. Yeah, it is a chick flick and a tear-jerker, but it suited me at this particular moment. (Normally, the Netflix queue had weird stuff in it -- 1950s-era Japanese movies, odd foreign films, shoot-em-up movies, and god knows what...) (I think I asked for this one to be put on the queue...) Anyway, it was nice. It was the last movie on my husband's Netflix account; now that he's decamped and is living elsewhere, I need to set up my own Netflix account. More money out the door, and no money coming in right now... Blecch...

Anyway, back to my title... Last week, I made my first pot roast. Do not laugh. Yes, at the age of 61, I decided I could tackle this challenge. (Like one of the easiest things in the world to make, of course...) I have very fond memories of the pot roast that my friend Joanne's mom used to make. We (Joanne and I) would often be put in charge of putting up the pot roast when we got home from school (I would hang out at her house quite a bit -- listening to LPs of Broadway musical shows) (to this day, I can probably sing many of the songs from most of the hit musicals of the 1950s and 1960s), and she would take charge of the mysterious ritual. I remember tomato sauce and potatoes and wonderful smells. My pot roast wasn't exactly the same, but it was pretty darn good. Lots of red wine, onions and garlic... How could it be bad? And I put in LOTS of carrots and potatoes. Yum. I may make it again! And, last night, I made BBQ ribs (ok, well, I heated up the pre-cooked ones), and roasted a whole pan full of little red potatoes. I love roast potatoes. I cut them up rather small, tossed them with lots of olive oil, salt, pepper, and rosemary leaves (or "twigs" as I like to call them), and they were yummy. I love to cook, I really do. For many years, I simply didn't cook all that much, due to work schedules. What was I thinking? Ah, well, now I can indulge. As long as my son lives with me, it's like having a black hole that will consume everything I cook...

Another item on the domestic goddess list: sheets. A couple of listings ago, I mentioned flannel sheets as a remedy for a cold bed (now that I'm sleeping by myself). I was musing to myself that flannel sheets are good, but fleece sheets might be even better... but, I had never seen such a thing, so I shrugged it off. Then, a couple of days ago, I was looking through The Country Store catalog and, lo and behold -- fleece sheets!!! Yesss!!! I may just order a set...

Finally, I want to know where all the dust bunnies come from. I swear, I sweep my floor daily, and yet, for reasons I don't fully understand, the dust bunnies mate and reproduce during the night. What's up with that? I really don't think it's fair. I'll be sitting on the sofa, minding my own business, and all of a sudden a dust bunny will waft across the floor... like a tumbleweed in an old Western movie... Sneering at me as it wanders across my family room. I'm taking this personally now. Between the dust bunnies and the kitty litter that Special Needs Kitty loves to track through the entire house, it's a laugh a minute around here, keeping up with things. In the good old days, when I was working at The Company, I had a house cleaning service come in every other week. For some reason, they seemed to terrify the dust bunnies, because I saw very few of them then. Perhaps they (the dust bunnies) know that I'm in economic straits and they're messing with me... Rats! I may start going without my Sbux coffees, and seek to afford the house cleaners again... THAT will teach those dust bunnies!!!

I did collect myself sufficiently this past week to go out and purchase some new appliances for The Great Kitchen Renovation. I bought a refrigerator, a range and a dishwasher. I about passed out when I saw how expensive everything is. But, then I figured I was supporting the resurgence of the US economy with this purchase so I gulped and slid my credit card across the counter. And I'm not done yet. Still need a microwave, a range hood, and a sink and garbage disposal. One would think all this would be easy but, apparently, the whole process is very involved. Range hoods, for instance. This is going to be free-hanging (i.e., not hooked to a wall), so it needs to look good on all sides. I'm finding that these puppies are hideously expensive. But, to go without a hood means a custom-designed and constructed downdraft system, that needs to have the team ripping out a wall and monkeying with all sorts of things. OK, easier to do a hood. Fine. Whatever. But, then will come the fun stuff -- handles for the cabinets and faucets for the sink. I don't know why, but looking at these little fixtures cheers me up immensely. I even swapped out the faucets in two of our bathrooms a few years ago, and that makes me grin every time I see them. Go figure.

Well, it's time for lunch. Maybe I'll splurge and go pick up some yummy sandwiches at the local sandwich shop. After all, the first of the playoff games is about to start, so no one wants to leave and go wandering while the games are on... I don't get it, personally, but there you go. I just hope my stairs get rebuilt before Easter...

I hope you are all doing well, wherever you are. For those of you in the East, I hope you're keeping warm. For those of you in the sunny West, don't waste water, because we're going to be hurting in May!


1 comment:

Wearinbeads said...

cooking is very therapeutic. I recommend it. Especially as you have a hollow leg to feed! You can use your crock-pot while the kitchen is under renovation!