Saturday, September 20, 2008

Another Gorgeous Day

Well, we're closing in on the last few days here in England. Today, I'm kicking it in Salisbury, one of my favorite towns here in the UK. The spousal unit is off at his car festival, and I spent the morning running errands and doing some shopping. There were two bead stores here in Salisbury that had some really unusual things, so I was FORCED to spend some money. And, the lingerie department of M&S beckoned me... Ooops! I was also cruising along, and saw what looked to be a lingerie store. I went in and, lo and behold, it was a store devoted to erotica! The lingerie was, in fact, there but it was all of a "naughty" genre... Fake leather, chains, fantasy outfits, the whole nine yards. There were also all sorts of sex toys displayed -- I had NO IDEA that vibrators came in such a variety!!! Really, in the US, we are still quite Puritanical... There is no way in heck this kind of store would be found in your general store/mall, although I've seen them throughout the cities we've driven through. (I just never went in one previously...) Must see if the spousal unit wants to check it out! :-)

Anyway, enough of that. Had a nice leisurely coffee this morning, read my latest trash novel, puttered about, and finally met up with a colleague from The Company. Had a nice late lunch, a good catch-up session, and a lovely walk around the Cathedral and the close. Unfortunately, by the time we got there, things were closing up for the evening, so we did not get a chance to visit the Magna Carta exhibit. (One of my favorites...)

Have some nice photos to share, but will need to wait until I get home, as the Internet connectivity is a bit wonky here at the hotel we're staying at. It's an historic building, dating from the 1500s. One the Stuart kings stayed here on his way out of the country during the Civil War (so, that would be Charles I, perhaps)... The room is charming, if small. But the shower is fabulous! And there's no drought here... The bathtub is tiny, but I tried a bath last night anyway... complete with bubbles! Ahhh, I love the degenerate pastimes I get up to on holiday...

Well, that's it for now. I hope each of you are doing well.


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