Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Road Trip, Part 2.1

So, tomorrow (Wednesday) I'm off to Paris to spend Christmas there with The Darling Daughter. It's been a good visit here in Massachusetts... I've enjoyed spending time with my best buddy, who turns out to be the only person I know who has more towels than I do! For that, a huge shout-out to J!!! It's been good, and relaxing. But cold. I really dislike Winter here in the Northeast. Big time. Today, I walked up to the center of town (maybe a 15-minute walk), and my forehead hurt, my cheeks hurt, my nose was dripping (well, surging), and I was really irritated. This is what I went through for the first 20 years or so of my life, every year! No wonder I acted out! Anyone would go mad in this kind of weather! And, the Summer... yucckkkk.... Hot, sweaty, humid, no let-up even at night... I was happy for about a month in the Fall and a month in the Spring, and that was it. I swear, the night I landed in Los Angeles, in April 1970, I thought I had died and gone to heaven! The sky was clear, there were stars, the breeze was soft as a lover's kiss... Ahhhh... I never looked back...

Anyway, I also had one of the best massages of my life this afternoon. An hour and a half. It was exquisite. I may survive the plane ride tomorrow... The lady who did the massage is the current girlfriend of my friend's housemate. I really liked her. She's very very very good. If I were here longer, I'd go back and get another massage! I will need to find a massage in Paris, as I'm sure I'll be all cricked up from the plane ride and my emotional turmoil.

I also finished my latest novel (as in reading it, not writing it) today, and did some crocheting on a market bag I want to use when I go shopping in Paris. (You know, it's just not au courant to use plastic bags any more!) And just kicked it. Bought a little teensy weensy bit of fabric at a local quilting fabric store (and a pattern for a retro-style apron), and a lovely little black camisole at a lovely lingerie store. So, major coups. Oh, and a big tote bag was on sale at the local luggage shop (I now have one in black and one in screaming lime green). All in all, a good visit. I'm sorry we live so far apart, as I'd really love to spend more time with my buddy... But, perhaps absence makes the heart grow fonder... I'd love for her to come hang out with me in California... Keep me company in my house, which will shortly be huge and empty (except for me), as I'm thinking the spousal unit will, once our decision is made, decamp to our rental house on the other side of San Francisco Bay, as he prepares for his second marriage to you-know-who... It will be heartbreaking and lonely, but I'm sure I'll survive. The first thing, I'll get a new bed. Out with the old, in with the new. And lots of new sheets. Symbolic? Perhaps...

I'm still really sad, and cried a bit this morning as I lay in bed, but not totally hysterical as I used to be. Although I'm sure that will happen at least once or twice again. But, I promised all my friends, and my son, that I would have fun and enjoy myself in Paris. And, I intend to keep that promise. My daughter will be there to kick my butt if I start wallowing. I am doing my best not to descend into bitterness and anger... But it might be hard from time to time... Right now, I'm still at the mourning (sadness) stage. Shoot, it's such a drag. I wish I could jump-start my recovery, but I guess it's one of those things that you just have to let do its thing, eh?

Well, time to tackle the suitcase. I think I need to sort things out and start using the second bag, or I'll never be able to lift the damn suitcase! I'm not sure why it is that I feel compelled to shlepp so much stuff with me... No doubt due to some childhood trauma...

May you all be enjoying yourselves, wherever and whatever.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Glorious Paris! Have a fantastic time. You are putting one very large ocean between you and that mess on the west side.

Let yourself cry when you need to cry. Laugh when you need to laugh. And know that, despite the emotional tornado going on around you, you are loved.

Joyeux Noel!!!!