Saturday, December 27, 2008

Très Froid!!!

Oh, yeah, mama -- it was COLD here in Paris today. The weather forecast this evening said it was 2 degrees Centigrade (not sure what that is in Farenheit), and I can tell you it got colder as the day went on. The Princess and I went to Sacré Coeur for our outing today, and although the weather was spectacular, we froze our patookies off... I had the foresight, today, to wear my thermals under all the layers, and I was glad I did. The only parts of me that really were cold were the parts that weren't covered! I did try and pull up my scarf over my nose and mouth, but all that accomplished was to fog up my glasses. Not so good.

The whole neighborhood around Sacré Coeur was packed with tourists from every place on earth... I even heard some Brits today, being loud and looking for pizza. (Not that I'm dissing looking for pizza, please understand...) We made it into the church, wandered around, sat for a while, and recovered from the walk up the gazillion stairs in the Abbesses Metro station... Note: none of the guide books I read mentioned that you might want to consider taking the lift up to the ground level at that station... I did wimp out and take the funicular from the street up to the level of the church, although The Princess toughed it out and walked up all the stairs.

After getting all spiritual, we stood on the various terraces and looked out at Paris. It was hazy today, so we didn't see much, unfortunately. We did talk about the movie "Amelie", which had some scenes shot right where we were. (That's a lovely little movie, and I highly recommend it.) Then, we went on a search for sustenance. Found a tea room, and we had a nice little lunch. Then, off to find an English-language bookstore, as we'd run out of trash novels! Went to WH Smith, on the Rue de Rivoli, and spent too much money. Quelle damage! Then, the idea was to walk down the Rue de Rivoli and hit Notre Dame. We made it as far as The Louvre, and threw in the towel... It was just too bloody cold, so back to the flat for tea, cookies, and rest. It was even too cold to go out for dinner (yes, in Paris)... Luckily, I had some supplies (pasta) (and wine), so we didn't starve. Thanks be!

My daughter goes home tomorrow morning, and I shall miss her terribly. We've had a very good time together. She's lectured me mercilessly on my life and what I need to do to move forward. I've nodded my head dutifully, but I know I shall disappoint her. Today is my 28th wedding anniversary, and I'm very sad. I do believe it will be my last wedding anniversary, and I'm taking it rather badly. I wish I could shrug and say, c'est la vie, and move on with a sophisticated air, but I can't, not quite yet. Maybe someday. Perhaps once things are verbalized and the dissolution process is in play, it'll be easier. Or, maybe not. But, historically, I've done well with facts, and not so well with what-ifs, could-be's, and might-have-beens...

I leave for the US on Monday morning, and I will be glad to get home. I've been fighting a nasty cold, and it's subsiding, but I'm really tired. And cold. And drifting toward cranky. I want to get home and get on with things. I need to whip myself into shape, emotionally, and I also need to start looking for a new job. Neither of which activities really make me feel terribly whoop-tee-doo... But, I shall suck it up and move forward. Like I have a choice...

I hope that, wherever you are, it's not as cold as here! (Or, if it is, that you, too, have thermal underwear...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Paris trip looked amazing (I checked out your Flickr). Such a happy upbeat sound to your voice in the midst of troubling times. Yes! Paris was a fantastic idea!!