Tuesday, December 2, 2008

All Quiet on the Western Front

Well, OK, I know that's probably a violation of some IP law somewhere, but I could not think of a decent title for today's post. Really, there's nothing going on. I'm back, in my own home, and loving it. I had no idea how MUCH I really didn't like traveling by myself, being in a funk, and being away from my home. It's funny when you think about it, because for years I really wasn't very comfortable in this house, and didn't think of it as truly my *home* . . . But, now that I really contemplate the chances of NOT living here in a couple of years, I find myself very much attached to this place. Also, having time to just hang out here, since I'm no longer working at The Company, has really made me appreciate what I have here... In fact, I'm a virtual domestic goddess these days... Am trying out a recipe for apple butter. I have no idea WHY apple butter, but know that I got a major jones going lately about apple butter. So, I bought a bunch of apples (Gala and Fuji), chopped them up, threw them in the crockpot with some apple cider, way too much sugar, and spices (too much cinnamon -- note for next time), and it's merrily cooking away... We'll see how it is in the morning.

Other than that, I'm just kind of riding the waves of my life. The domestic situation is in flux, my professional career is on hold, other semi-professional activities are all over the damn place, and I have no idea where I'll be a month or two months or three months from now. But, I'm feeling much more stable, emotionally, and have realized I just need to buck up and stop whining. There are far worse things that could be happening to me, other than the betrayal by my spouse... Truly... I have a friend whose husband passed away last week, and she's devastated. I have acquaintances who have serious illnesses, whose partners have died, whose kids are in jail, etc., etc. And, there are people in the world who are in far worse straits than I. This is the kind of stuff I think about. So, I'm promising myself to stop whining and moaning, and just hang out and see what happens, and roll with it. I have money in the bank (some), my health (pretty good), my looks (not too bad for an old bat), pretty good figure (all things considered), food in the cupboard, lots of trash novels and decent novels to read, lots of fabric to sew (!), and on and on... So, I shall knock it off...

I'm not feeling much Christmas spirit this year, however. Since both the spousal unit and I will be away from home on Christmas (our agreement to spend time alone covers the Christmas holiday, as well as our anniversary), we decided not to buy any kind of tree (real or artificial). And, since we've been horribly extravagant lately, we (well, he) decided that we won't be buying each other any presents. So, there you go. I should buy the kids something, though. My son excoriated me recently for just giving him cash the past few Christmases. (He is the one who criticizes me endlessly for all my errors and omissions, and sometimes he's actually sort of right...) My daughter doesn't criticize, but I really do need to figure out something interesting for her. Since she reads this blog occasionally, I will not disclose here what I'm planning... She'll just have to wait!

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln...

Hope you all are doing well. Cheers!

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