Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I have discovered that, when one has facial surgery, it is most definitely NOT a good idea to eat anything that is going to require you to floss your teeth, because generally you can't open your mouth very wide for some period of time following the surgery. Don't ask me how I found this out.

I've also discovered that my skin, when it bruises, goes through one amazing set of color transitions. I really do look alarmingly like one of those papayas that are languishing on my counter in the kitchen. I only hope I have enough of a really good quality cover-up cosmetic product to do the job next Saturday night, when I have a community "do" to attend.

And, Election Day is only two weeks away. Thank the lord. I am so DONE with the campaigning and the mud-slinging and the nit-picking and the general BS. I really don't think that anyone's mind is going to be changed by anything that either side says about the other, at this point. And, how many truly undecided voters are out there, anyway? Cynical me, I think that everyone's mind is already made up, consciously or unconsciously... And everyone out there better get their sorry selves off to their polling places or drop that absentee or mail-in ballot in the mail, and VOTE! Yes, sigh, even if you vote the "wrong" way, it's just important to vote. I do not buy any excuse whatsoever for not voting if one is eligible to do so. Period.

And, I'm all whipped up, again, about the economy and the real estate market and the burgeoning foreclosures. What, pray tell, does it profit the lender to have an empty house sitting there? I'm particularly whipped up about houses which are occupied by renters but the owners blew their loans, and then the renters get kicked out. It's not like the lenders in general do a great job of taking care of these foreclosed properties, including ensuring that they get a continuing stream of revenue from occupying renters! I mean, guys, this is just common sense. I know, I know, I just don't understand. Right.

I'm actually pretty irritated at myself for not getting much done today. You'd think that, since I'm not working outside the house at a full-time (or even a part-time) job, I'd be more efficient at getting stuff done during the day. But, oh no -- just fiddled around today. Shame on me! (Well, OK, I did run three errands, big whoop.) On the up side, I'm not as tired as I was for the past few years. I'm actually reading three books at once, which is a luxury, and having the time to sit and look at the sky and ponder the meaning of life.

OK, I can see I am just plain ornery tonight. I'd better sign off, and go meditate about my attitude.

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