Monday, October 20, 2008

Strange Days, Indeed

So, it's Monday (although I'm taking that on faith, since now that I'm no longer working at The Company I really have no idea what the heck day is which), and I'm thinking back on this past weekend. Well, brooding about the fragmentation of society is more like it.

Every day, more astonishing crap crawls out of the woodwork. I sometimes think I'm living in some weird StarTrek-ish parallel universe, and on the other side of the time-space continuum, things are just fine.

The election: I know that Gov. Palin's appearance on this weekend's SNL drew the largest audience that show has had in a decade or so, but WTF was she thinking? It was funny and amusing and all that, but this is the person who could, if things shake out in a way that would lead me to thinking seriously of decamping to Australia, be a heartbeat away from the presidency of the US. (Of course, the way things are going in this country, maybe that's exactly what we -- as a country -- deserve.) The descent of John McCain, who at one time was an endearing and curmudgeonly politico, into a nasty old man, spewing vituperation and tired old political barbs at Obama. What a bloody shame. The bizarre measures on the ballot here in California, and the shivers I feel about the fact that they're even on the ballot at all. There is a country out there that I just don't understand, don't like, and which scares the bajeezuz out of me.

The economy: Every day, I just shake my head at the latest BS to spew forth out of the imploding of our economy. Like, duh, is anyone really surprised, when we have, for longer than anyone cares to remember, created, believed in and worshipped an economy that is built on non-sustainable principles (e.g., continuous growth, focus on annual consumer spending, the worship of the almighty [and slightly manipulated] quarterly bottom line, the off-shoring and outsourcing of vast portions of our corporate infrastructures, the dumbing-down of popular culture). Greed... One of the seven deadly sins, and for good reason. You may not believe in the infallibility of the Bible, but there are a lot of things in there that surely make absolutely the best sense. I spent enough hours in enough conference rooms over the years I was an actively-practicing attorney with investment bankers, insurance execs, and their ilk, to understand that this was just a disaster waiting to happen. These folks were the supreme no-value-add elements in any deal. And, yes, I do understand -- very damn well -- the economics of deals and who's getting what. (I recall that, occasionally, when I could no longer contain myself, and would make muttered comments about taking those investment bankers out into the parking lot and shoving them under the wheels of an oncoming BMW, that the "boys" would get that look on their faces . . . you know the one . . . "oh, she's just a girl, what does she possibly know about the fabulous deal we're all doing" . . . oh, puhleeze...)

But, on the other hand, there are wonderful people out there. People who are doing their best every day in the face of stressful conditions. Who are exercising personal responsibility (a quaint notion that is one I hold dear), and worrying about the impact of their actions (or failures to act) on society as a whole, who actually care about the greater society, and who do not believe that taxes are just the "gummint" taking their money and giving it away to no-good rotters. There are thoughtful journalists and public servants and financiers and just regular folks, all of whom tell it like it is. One of my favorite folks is Maureen Dowd (OK, all you right-wingers -- not that any would be reading this blog, most likely -- can start rolling your eyes.) Go on (today's edition), and read her op/ed piece, "After W., Le Deluge" -- very well written. A very good piece of writing.

On the up side, I went to the doctor today, for my one-week post-surgery check-up, and he pronounced himself thrilled with the progress of my recovery. And, even better, he gave me the green light to resume drinking caffeinated beverages (oh, yeah, mama -- bring me my latte!) and alcohol (and, Jeeves, bring me that Cosmo now, if you would)... I thought I was on the wagon for another week, at least. However, my body (god love it) was in good shape, and supported rapid healing of all the incisions and nasty business. Of course, now that I've been pure as the driven slush for two (well, almost three) weeks, I'm not feeling any huge driving urge to indulge. In fact, after the doctor's appointment, the spousal unit and I went to Peet's for an afternoon pick-me-up, and I just had a jasmine lime green tea cooler (and, of course, some carrot bread, to count as one of my veggies for the day). I've also been drinking smaller cups of coffee, and I've come to enjoy them a lot more. There just might be something to this clean living thing...

OK, now that I read this, am I really becoming a crotchety old fartette? Possibly. The nice thing is that, at this age, I really don't care all that much. Freedom! Yessss!!! I refuse to let The Man keep me down!!! (By the way, The Man is now all those 20-somethings...) I love the irony of history.

Well, time to pay attention to dinner, and get ready to watch Monday Night Football on our new Shining Symbol of Consumerism: we broke down and purchased a mega-LCD flat-screen TV. Yep, we gave in to Mammon. You know, if you show up at one of these chain electronics stores with cash, you can pretty much negotiate any deal that you want (within some reasonable bounds). I was actually astonished at the deal we got. We selected a size and brand and level of quality that we liked, and then found one that was a floor sample, got the store to give us a very good deal and then, in a burst of negotiating ballsiness that I honed on many business trips to China, asked for yet more off. And we got it. A good deal all around. I feel so guilty watching this beast. I really do. But, it's really really nice. We actually watched "La Vie en Rose" (on DVD) on it over the weekend, and the experience was fabulous.

May all your teams win tonight. Or not. Cheers!

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