Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Okay, Okay...

So, I have not been as diligent as I might have been about blogging, it's true... And I can't say why, or point to anything or any incident in particular... I know I have been terribly tired lately (no doubt a side effect of being sans caffeine and alcohol...), and spend way too much time just sitting around, staring aimlessly into space! And, well, doing a bit of sewing. I am working on my table runner project (and yes I swear I will post a photo of it at some point), and actually finished (!!) a dress yesterday. (I'm not wild about the way it looks on me, but I think it's fixable.)

But, one of the things I still do is cruise all my favorite blogs from other contributors to the blogsphere. One of my favorites is Ann Steeves' blog, Gorgeous Things ( Last week, she had a link to a cute quiz ( I took it, and the test results pronounced that I am a "mandarin". This means:

"You're an intellectual, and you've worked hard to get where you are now. You're a strong believer in education, and you think many of the world's problems could be solved if people were more informed and more rational. You have no tolerance for sloppy or lazy thinking. It frustrates you when people who are ignorant or dishonest rise to positions of power. You believe that people can make a difference in the world, and you're determined to try."

Hmmm... I am really a sucker for these online quizzes... Time-wasters, often, but amusing. Luckily I am not currently working at a full-time job, so I am not diddling around on the company's time... NOT that I ever did that when I was working at The Company, no, nope, never. Really.

On other fronts, I must say that this is just about my favorite time of year. There's still nice warmth during the day, but the evenings are cool, and there is a hint of change in the air. I think the "change" part is what I like, since I also adore the Spring weather. The promise of something new is exhilarating. Growing up Back East, at this time of year we were looking forward to Halloween. Many years, it was bitterly cold at the end of October, and often rainy (I don't recall snow on any Halloween). In fact, I do recall one year when the weather was so ugly, we just trick-or-treated inside our apartment building. For all of you suburb-dwellers, I have to tell you that it was a very weird experience. That was the year, as I recall, that I had a gypsy costume, which I dearly loved. In our neighborhood, where we live now, we simply don't get too many children coming by. It could be due, in part, to cultural issues (many folks in our neighborhood come from other countries, where Halloween simply isn't part of their experience), or maybe there simply aren't too many kids left -- I know the contemporaries of my children (who are now 24 and 21, respectively) have all left the area, and not too many of them had younger siblings (who would in any event probably be too old by now to get into trick-or-treating). However, I do know that the elementary schools in our area are filled to bursting, so who knows. I think one of my favorite trick-or-treat experiences was about five years ago, when a teenager came to our door, and announced his costume was a hairball (as in, yes, that thing the cat chokes up, usually on the carpet)... Cracked me up!

Well, this turned into a ramble... Sorry about that! Time to go and get ready to go smack the tennis ball with the husband. It really is good exercise, despite my very very sorry performance the past few times we've gone. I think it's because I didn't sign up for lessons this session (missed the deadline as we were out of the country on our travels, and when we got back, I found the class was full -- rats!). Those lessons really do help. Ah, well, next session. And I'm actually contemplating signing up for private lessons, but not willing at this point to lay out the money. Particularly now, if you get my drift.

Hope you all are enjoying yourselves, whatever it is you're doing. Cheers!

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