Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday morning... aacckkk

So, why in the world am I getting up so darn early every morning if I don't need to be at the office?  Habit?  Solidarity with the husband?  Because I like seeing the morning sky?  Catching the early shows on BBC America?  Hmmm...  Perhaps it's the vain hope of actually getting things done.  The odd thing about not working (i.e., working at a "regular" job outside the home) is that, at the end of the day, I know I've been busy, but I really can't point to more than one or two actual items that I've accomplished.  (And this is NOT a swipe at folks who work at home or who are retired or whatever, this is just me...)  I think this is kind of what happened when I took time off for the birth of both of my kids.  Of course, then, I was dog-tired and dealing with a squalling, eternally-hungry, usually wet little human being who didn't seem to give a rap about its mother's needs...  I think, perhaps, I'm just now catching up on all the sleep and rest I've needed, but haven't gotten, for the past many years.  I must admit I love watching some of the morning TV shows...  Particularly the cooking and home repair/renovation ones...  Pure pap for the mind...  I may go back to bed for a bit, and curl up with the latest "Oprah" magazine and yet another cup of tea.  The son is camping out here for a few days, and is trying talk me into going up to San Francisco with him for the day, to run some errands (his, not mine), and no doubt to spend money on him.  Ha!!!

More to come.  (Yes, this is all just rambling, but I got some advice when I started this blog, that I should post every day, no matter what.)  (So, blame the advice-giver for this one...)


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