Sunday, August 24, 2008

Loudon Wainright redux

Things on Sunday morning often appear a bit out of kilter, for no apparent reason.  DH and I woke up early, about 6:15, but after some consideration of alternatives, rolled over and went back to sleep, and finally hauled our sorry selves out of bed about 10:00AM.  Bad idea.  Now, we're both groggy and fighting incipient headaches.  We are both plagued by headaches, often due to stress (!), too much wine (!!), climate changes, pollutants (e.g., dust from sweeping driveway or cleaning), or whatever...  This morning, we think it could be because of bad odors due to a deceased deer which is in the creek behind our house.  Yukkk.  And it's not a baby deer (often the case, unfortunately -- they play too hard and fall off one of the ledges in the creek bed), but a full-size one.  And it's not a pretty sight, let me tell you.  We've called the outfit that's charged with removing dead animals from our city (no longer done by the government), but haven't gotten a response yet.  Nothing like a little "circle of life" event to put a pall on your Sunday morning.  

Oh, and the Loudon Wainright reference?  As I recall, it was he who had a song, way back when (in the 1970s?), "Dead Dog in the Middle of the Road"...  Somehow, that just came to me when we figured out we had a dead deer in the middle of the creek...  I really think that if I ever do descend into age-related dementia, it won't be all that noticeable, given the way my mind works already...

UPDATE (8/26/08):  LC, one of the sip-n-sew ladies, has thoughtfully corrected my reference to the song; the song was "Dead Skunk (in the Middle of the Road)", c. 1972, performed by Loudon Wainwright III.  Hey, I knew it was about some darn dead animal.  Oh, and this morning, the carcass of the deer finally got hauled away.  The county has outsourced animal control activities to a local tallow company (yes, you heard right -- tallow).  I called them last week, the driver came out, stared into the creek, but didn't find the remains.  My husband finally did, and after a multitude of calls, the driver came out again yesterday, inspected the scene, and asked me if I had a garbage can so he could haul the remains up the creekside, through my property, up the driveway, and to his truck.  Heck no, I did not have a garbage can for that job!  So, this morning, he came back with his own damn garbage can, and accomplished the task.  Phew!  With any luck, tonight we can open all the windows on the creek-facing side of the house (the smell has kind of forbidden that for the past few days).  And, that's a lucky thing, as the weather is supposed to be hideously hot (well, hot for us) the next few days -- probably close to 100 degrees in the heat of the day.  Fortunately, our house is right next to the creek, and there's lots of trees, so the nights are nice.  And we have lots of fans in the house, so it's quite pleasant by bedtime...  However, after two or three days of intense heat, it's almost impossible for the house to get truly cool.  I know -- whine, whine, whine...  It's still a darn sight better than the cement jungles of New York City, where I grew up, and where it NEVER cooled off at night during the Summer...

The Dear Son has been camping out at our house the past few days, and just appeared -- awake before noontime!  For sure, the planets are out of alignment!  He's actually talking and in a good mood -- usually he just grunts until 1:00PM...  Hmmm...  He's betwixt and between on life right now; working on getting into the Navy, which will take a few months, as he has some personal affairs to clean up.  I'm very torn about this -- on the one hand, both his father and I think it will be very good for him, in terms of imposing some order and discipline in his life, which he sorely needs, but on the other hand, I worry about him being sent into harm's way.  He's still my first-born, and he'll always be my baby.  Even at 6' and 24 years old...  Isn't that just like a mother?  But, he's committed to doing this, so I will support him.

I really need to go and finish sorting out the various boxes and papers littering the dining room and the living room, with all the office-related stuff in it...  Really...  But, I hate hate hate doing that.  I'd rather vacuum the house than do anything approaching filing.  (It was the same, years ago, when I was a secretary... not a stellar part of my work life...)  

Actually, now that I think about it, I wish I were in Hawaii right now...  I love to go there -- it's one of the few places in the world where I feel totally relaxed, and at peace...  So, as a memento, here's a photo I took on one of our trips...  Early one morning, when the sun was not burning down...  Ahhhh... 

Maybe I'll even get some sewing done today; that gets my creative juices flowing.  I've got some new patterns that I'm anxious to try out, but need to do some pre-work.  Measuring my body, comparing the measurements to the flat patterns, making alternations, consulting online references to see what others who have sewn the pattern(s) say about it...  This can take hours and hours, and I just love it.  I found my portable radio, set it up in the dining room, have all my sewing impedimentia strewn about, and all is good...  

Sorry for the rambling, but there you go...  I wish all of you a very good day, wherever you are.


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