Monday, August 18, 2008


Dear readers...  Success (with the Internet)...  Charles from the phone company was here this morning, and figured out the issue pretty quickly, and presto-changeo, it's resolved.  (Much IT nonsense, but it's done.)  I am so relieved.  Of course, all the coffee houses in the area will now suffer a dramatic decrease in their revenue (since I won't be hanging out there, ordering lattes and iced tea blend drinks so I can use their free WiFi), but that's all to the good.  I felt at sea... ridiculous, I know, but in this age of 24x7 access, it's the way it is.

OK, running out now to grab lunch, but will be back with more meandering thoughts later.


1 comment:

Bubbler said...

How amazing to think that being online is wonderful. Not too long ago, being online was something that we only needed for work.

Great news that you are back online!