Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday... Encore de rien?

Well, another lovely day here in Northern California...  Nothing much happened, at least that I can write about here...  Got up late, watched a bit of "Sunday Morning", went out for coffee, ate Thai food leftovers, went over to the Berkeley house and actually did a few chores, and now we're back here, contemplating the infinite...  Or at least I am...

Tomorrow is Labor Day, making it a three-day weekend.  Not that it means much to me, as I am now a lady of leisure, at least until the first of the year.  However, it does mean that the spousal unit will be around tomorrow, which is nice.  We have a reservation to go and hit the tennis ball at 11:00AM tomorrow, and then we'll start swirling, getting ready for our vacation.  Actually, we'll be taking two trips, back to back, but will be wandering the globe for a little over three weeks.  Two piles of clothes and other goodies are rapidly growing on the dining table, and I'm sure we'll forget something.  

I'm still brooding about the movie we watched last night, Fellini's "8-1/2"...  Actually, it depressed the hell out of me, for very personal reasons.  There's a part of me which is very sorry I ever watched it.  But, I did and can check it off my cultural to-do list.  (Still really ought to rent "La Dolce Vita" and watch that...  maybe...)

But, I do have the NYT Sunday puzzle waiting for me, and the laundry is done, and the recycling is out at the curb, and it's not over 100 degrees here, and all is well, I think.  Both Cal and Oregon won their football games yesterday (yea!!!), so what more can one ask for?  (Don't answer that...)

Sorry to be so trite here, but some days, that is just the way it is.  Perhaps I should have waited until after my second Cosmo to write?  Nah, bad idea...

OK, more tomorrow.


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