Tuesday, August 5, 2008

WTF? Where is my Internet?

So, all was well this morning... I was surfing the 'Net, reading a blog that the New York Times had (has?) going, about things New Yorkers miss about the "old" New York (i.e., whenever it was that the person posting first experienced/grew up in New York).   There were things in the 500+ comments that threw me back through time and space, to my growing-up years on the streets of New York.  Magical times.

Anyway, so all was well, and then . . . poof!  No bloody Internet!  Not sure what has happened, but we are dead in the water.  (Thank goodness for my iPhone -- can still check emails and sort of do the 'Net... although the AT&T Edge network is sloooowwww as molasses...)  Have an inquiry out to the tech gods, hopefully will know more tomorrow.  But, in order to do this post, DH and I have decamped to the local indie coffeehouse, which is awash in 20-somethings, all dressed in black, either talking on their cellphones or hooked into their iPods, and all -- and I mean all -- looking terribly intense.  Lots of laptops in evidence.  The heart of SiliValley right here.  (Thanks to the junior college across the road, everyone is VERY serious -- studying away...)  Haven't seen this many piercings in I don't know when.  (Normally, when DH and I are here, it's too early in the morning for the young things to be out and about; we're usually here with the senior crowd... oh, and the runners... who wear teensy-eensy-weeny running shorts... not a pretty sight, with their pale pale pale legs... incredibly off-putting on a Sunday morning.)

Anyhoo, DD and The Boyfriend arrived late this afternoon.  Unfortunately, DD's car (one of the many ancient Saab cars we've owned over the years) broke down just as she hit town.  Lucky for her!  We think it's the serpentine belt that blew its guts...  There are "things" hanging down from the front underside of her car (never a good sign).  So, we'll get it towed to the dealer tomorrow morning, and kiss about $1,000 goodbye as we get it fixed.  Bloody hell.  It is good to see her -- I cannot believe my baby girl is 21 and has a serious boyfriend!  What happened to my little girl?  I am so proud of her.  She's got a heart as big as creation, and is loving and gracious.  
DS also appeared at our house this afternoon, after a multi-day sojourn (or, as he called it, a "vacation") in Nevada with his BFF, doing who knows what.  (Why someone who isn't working at all needs a vacation is beyond me, but there you go...)  He went to dinner with us, and dispensed his wisdom as only he can do.  (Honestly, between you and me, I truly enjoy DS... his emotional wisdom is incredible, he's empathetic, loving, and spectacularly insightful... and, often, a real pain in the katookie.)  He'll be sleeping at our house tonight, no doubt.  Right now, he's over at tonight's City Council meeting, where they're discussing an application for redevelopment of one of our local shopping centers -- in fact, the center where we're sitting right now... some craven developer wants to blast this place to perdition and put in condos, a hotel (why???) and something described as a "convention center" building.  Local politics -- gotta love it.  This center was wonderful when we first moved here, about 18 years ago.  But, for a number of reasons that aren't totally clear, it's been run into the ground.  I am NOT a conspiracy theorist, but it seems to me that there are certain local entrenched interests that would just love to build new bright shiny things, even though it's the last thing this city needs (IMHO)...  I sent off a flame-o-gram to the City Council with my objections, for what it's worth.

Well, DH is giving me The Look (i.e., wrap it up, babe, we need to go), so I'll say au revoir.  If the Internet is accessible tomorrow, I'll post again.  Or not.

Jeez, I love this blogging stuff.


1 comment:

Bubbler said...

Kudos. You have survived your first week of blogging, and are still at it!

This puts you into the top 25% of all bloggers, and you seem to be getting to express many things that have long been on your mind. Thanks goodness for the internet and blogging.

Keep it up, E - this has been terrific (dare I say MEANINGFUL?).