Friday, August 29, 2008

The Plot Thickens...

Well, well, well...  Just listening to John McCain's announcement of Sarah Palin (Governor of Alaska) as his running mate.  So, is it a huge smack-down to the Demos? A desperate move by his team to suck up stray members of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuits/disgruntled feminists who are still seething over the perceived slight to Hillary?  What?  Should prove interesting, no?

You know, I just love national politics, I really do.  In a sick, fascinated kind of way.  Can hardly wait for the pontificating to start.  (Oh, wait, it just did...)

OK, back to errands.  Just had to share/post/vent a bit.  Fascinating, just fascinating...

More later!


Anonymous said...

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuits??

I am *so* stealing that line from you!

elinorina said...

Ha! Don't give me the credit -- that was from Hillary's speech at the Demo Convention... I could never make up something that good... But, hey, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ah, I see you've discovered my dirty little secret....

I am so NOT into politics.

So fate cursed me by bringing me a husband who is SO into politics, it's almost frightening. He made me watch Obama's speech. Tho he sweetened the pot by doing so over margaritas and mexican food.